
just a random post...

I have been a horrible blogger lately.  Oh well.  I just really didn't feel like posting, and I didn't have anything to post about.  But now I do!

First off, I wanted to ask you all to pray for the family of Bob Jennings, a pastor in Missouri who died this past week.  Bob had been ill for quite some time; I believe he had cancer, but I'm not positive.  I've really enjoyed reading Bob's posts over the past months updating on his deteriorating health and how he was basically preparing to die.  You can find two of his posts that I found most encouraging here and here.  Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.

Look at this baby praying mantis!  I found him about a week ago on our counter and almost swept him onto the floor before I even saw he was there.  It was just incredible to see God's handiwork in such a tiny creature as this!

This past weekend I went to Juarez, Mexico with Rachel, my dad, and some people from our church and Church of the Redeemer.  Rachel and I spent the whole time at Rivers of Mercy Children's Home.  We helped out with laundry, made breakfast, and just spent a lot of time loving on the kids.  I had such a fantastic time; I could have spent days with those kids!  I speak about a thimblefull of Spanish, but I actually got along pretty well.  Sadly, I only took four pictures the entire time. :)

 This little cutie pie was Rubi. :)

Rubi and Rachel

Visiting the orphanage helped confirm for me that that's what I want to do with my life--minister to children, specifically orphans; through teaching, but also through just caring for them.  It was awesome!


Morgan said...

Aw, I love this, Sarah, thanks for sharing!

Bekah said...

Beautiful pics! Doesn't that just rip your heart? I spent a week at an orphanage in Haiti and not a day goes by that I don't think of the kids and miss them!

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