
Everyday's Thanksgiving, Part #23

I'm thankful for:

0441. getting my wisdom teeth out on Monday

0442. general anaesthesia! (so, so, SO thankful!)

0443. my wondeful mother who has been waiting on me hand and foot for the past two days

0444. daily excitement!  I actually passed out THREE TIMES yesterday because I apparently don't handle drugs well at all, but it certainly made the day a bit more exciting!

0445. also for my awesome father, who caught me the first time I fainted yesterday.  The other two times I was, thankfully, sitting down. :)

0446. ice packs that you can strap around your head.  They look ridiculous, but they actually really help!

0447. my kind family, who doesn't laugh at me even though I look like I've been made a temporary member of the chipmunk species. :O <-- that's the shape of my face right now; extending beyond the edges of my eyes. Ha!

0448. being able to just be lazy and not have to worry about work or church or anything else for a few days.  This time of recovery is awesome.

0449. getting most of my college books!  After hypeventilating into a paper bag because of how much they cost, they actually look pretty cool.

0450. this awesome new background that I found a few days ago!  I just love it.

0451. The Afters' "Lift Me Up"

0452. starting college in exactly 14 days.  I'm going to be taking intermediate algebra, intoductory art, analytic and argumentative writing, introductory psychology, and intoductory chemistry.  I'm really nervous, but I am so excited!

0453. God's peace, even though I'm no longer sure of what I want to go to college for. :}

0454. the incredible story of Anna in the Bible.  This is the seventh study in the Bible study fo teen gils I've been leading for the past six-ish months, and it is definitely my favorite so far.  Her whole life is summed up in just three verses, but they tell the life story of a woman wholly and passionately devoted to our amazing God.

0455. stitches that dissolve

0456. that my lips and tongue aren't numb anymore!

0457. having our youth Sunday at church on the 14th.  The youth led worship, and then one of my good friends who is just my age preached a great sermon.  I was so proud!  It was bittersweet, since this was my last trip as a youth and, therefore, my last youth Sunday as a youth, but it is so good to be moving on and trusting in God's direction for my life.

0458. orange walls

0459. giant sunflowers

0460. striped pens

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