
Sandia Crest

I love autumn and spring.  I prefer the beginnings of seasons rather than the completion; summer and winter are alright, but not my favorite.  So I was thrilled when my family went up to the mountains yesterday to see the trees turning, and then we went to the Crest.  I haven't been to the Crest in at least eight years, and didn't really remember it, so it was fun!  Then on the way home we saw that our brakes were smoking and crashed into a tree pulled over into the ski area, where we let the car cool off.  Then Rachel and I got a crash course in going down a scary, twisty, steep mountain when your brakes aren't in the best shape.  But, God is good, and we got down safely!  Here's some of the pictures from our day.

A huge bird nest

The ski area


Hannah M. said...

WOW, those are beautiful photos, Sarah, that is a beautiful place! I love the colors of the trees up there, wow, it's gorgeous! :) Glad y'all had a great time!

Scott said...

Who needs brakes when the Lord is with us, right Skippy? :)

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