
Everyday's Thanksgiving, Part #37

* photos from weheartit.com

I'm thankful for:

0721. people who smile genuinely

0722. being SO close to being done with my freshman year of college!

0723. going to the botanic gardens with my family on Wednesday

0724. Reese's

0725. cubic art; it's weird, but interesting

0726. salad

0727. smores

0728. finding new, fun places to shop at

0729. a take-home math exam!

0730. this quote:

Do not regret growing older.  It is a privilege denied to many.
-- Unknown

 0731. "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.  I'm going through this book right now, and I think it's just so interesting.  It's really gotten me thinking about how I treat people, and I like what I've read so far!

0731. reading other people's blogs.  I have such a great time.

0732. hashbrowns

0733. journaling

0734. duct tape roses and wallets

0735. Bill Crosby talking about dentists. ;D

0736. getting to visit with my aunt and her mom this week

0737. cleaning out and getting rid of junk

0738. Chloe's artwork...

0739. ...especially the art she makes for me

0740. laughter


Anonymous said...

I always look forward to reading your "Everyday's Thanksgivings!" Congrats on being only days away from completing your Freshman year of college...

tammy said...

Daddy & I are so proud of how hard you worked through your first year of college & to see how God has given you just what you needed!

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