
Everyday's Thanksgiving, Part #33

I'm thankful for:

0641. a fantastically relaxing spring break.  It's been awesome.

0642. spring is here!

0643. mending clothes

0645. and specifically, this incredible song covered by them

0646.a biography of Oswald Chambers

0647. meeting great customers at work

0648. being able to go outside more often in the fresh air now that it's warmer

0649. St. Patrick's Day!

0650. filling up notebooks with notes from sermons

0651. having been given the opportunity to play guitar

0652. being able to write to my Compassion child

0653. going to see movies with my family

0654. Coldstone Creamery

0655. cool new restaurants to try out

0656. playgrounds

0657. getting ahead in my schoolwork over spring break

0658. a new cell phone!

0659. Chloe starting soccer in a few weeks

0660. cleats

* photos from weheartit.com

1 comment:

Hannah M. said...

Love love love it, Sarah! I need to start something like this myself. :)

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