


Like I said yesterday, I love beginnings!  Today is the first day of 364 more beautiful days like it!

I also love making resolutions.  Usually I don't do very well with them, but in 2010 I think I did the best I ever had!  A few resolutions that I actually followed through with were reading through my Bible again, learning to knit (finger knit at least), and continuing to blog.  This year I want to learn how to cook some more (I'm basically awful at it), read through my Bible with a new plan (that's still under development), and write more.  We'll see how it goes!

One of the scary things of 2011 is that if you look down on my sidebar you'll see that I'm entering into my fourth year of blogging!(!!!)  Unbelievable!  Thank you so much to all my followers, basically Hannah and my parents, for still reading this!  I love blogging, so I think I'd keep it up even if I only had one follower.

Happy New Year, everybody!  It's going to be great!

By the way, treasure this as the only 1-1-11 you'll ever see!


Scott said...

We love you Sarah and we love reading all of your posts! Keep on persevering in the faith and in your blogging!


tammy butler said...

Sarah I love reading your blog & how you are always so loving & encouraging! Love, Mama

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