
Everyday's Thanksgiving, Part #28

I'm thankful for:

0541. the new movie "Courageous".  So powerful!

0542. the police force

0543. "You Are On Our Side" by Bethany Dillon

0544. all my college classes!  I'm enjoying them all so much more than I thought I would!

0545. being able to get a room "makeover". :)

0546. little kids' art

0547. carnations

0548. hoop earrings

0549. that purple dye from the town where Lydia lived

0550. how my history class is teaching me more about the places where a lot of biblical things took place

0551. being able to learn Spanish.  It's really interesting!

0552. a warm house

0553. double mocha coffee mix

0554. unique guitars

0555. a new fish tank that Rachel got for our room!

0556. marathons

0557. Chloe starting to lose her teeth!

0558. honesty

0559. solitaire

0560. mud that's finally starting to dry up!

* last two pics taken from weheartit.com

1 comment:

tammy said...

I love to read all that you are thankful for! Sometimes we forget the little things God is giving us each & every day!

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