
let's resolve : : February '13 and March '13 results + April '13

So I didn't actually have a March resolutions post because (1) I thought it'd be easier to do these at the beginnings of the month and (2) I completely forgot about it at the middle of the month.  Just wanted to make that clear.

1. Memorize 1 Corinthians 2, go over chapter 1, and memorize verses with my Sunday school class.  I still haven't gotten chapter 2 down; for some reason I just cannot get it through my skull.  Hopefully this month will see better results.  Chapter 1 seems pretty cemented in my head, though.  I haven't been great about memorizing verses with my class, but not a complete flop.

2. Just drink water.  I did alright with this challenge.  There were days, especially these past couple (I've been sick), where I drank stuff other than water, but on the whole I did alright.  I actually like drinking water now--that's enough of a result for me!

3. Pack my lunches for school.  I've been doing really well with this and feel like I'm definitely saving money.

4. Go to a monster truck rally.  Didn't do this one; maybe sometime soon.

5. Figure out my summer plans.  Surprisingly, yes.  Contrary to what I had planned before, I'll be staying home this summer, taking five summer classes and working (I got a job as a cashier at Walmart this week!).  I had hoped to go on a mission trip or something like that, and maybe I will go to Mexico for a week or two, but for now this seems to be what the Lord has planned.  The reasons behind all this is that I'm (hopefully) going to be transferring to NMSU this fall, so I'm trying to knock a bunch more classes out of the way and save enough money to buy a car.  God is good.

For April:

1. Memorize 1 Corinthians 2.  Time to get this bad boy out of the way.

2. Develop a steady schedule for getting my homework done and register for summer classes.  With starting a new job, figuring out how to transfer, and getting ready to take five 12-week classes, I need some balance.  Nothing like a schedule to give me that!

3. Do great on my science presentation.  I have to give a presentation a week from Tuesday, and I have no idea what I'm doing.  Time to pull myself together.

4. Finish reading two books.  I'm having a hard time finding time to read, so I want to be more intentional with my free time and get some good reading in.  Right now I'm reading The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer--it's a fantastic book, go read it!

5. Write to my Compassion children.  Please continue to pray for Djamsel; I haven't heard anything about the status of the center he goes to and I'm a bit concerned.  I might try and call this week to see if I can figure anything out.


K said...

You'll do great on your presentation! And congrats on your new job! That's exciting :) Best of luck on your goals and thanks for linking up! :)

Suzanne said...

Good luck on your goals this month! I'm sure you'll be awesome! :)

Will be praying for your sponsor child for sure!

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